BASICS. this is a highly selective, mutuals only blog. this means that i will only interact with those who i follow back. this is done to keep my anxiety levels as low as possible, so please respect this & only interact with posts if we are mutuals. this is now also a mostly modern / au based blog. this means that i will be mostly focused on my non star wars based verses. please bear this in mind if following.TRIGGERS. all triggering content will be tagged in the form trigger tw. if you need me to tag something, then please let me know and i will make sure to amend my posts accordingly! the only content i ask to be tagged is nsfw content & any negativity towards the sequels/tros/kylo in general. while i understand ( and tend to agree with ) the majority of negative opinions about these topics, i do still enjoy the franchise and i don't like being faced with continuous negativity about it. thank you.SMUT. i will not write smut. i am of age, but it's not something i'm comfortable with. if anything is to happen between our characters, i will fade to black.DUPLICATES. i am duplicate friendly! i love chatting to other kylo / ben writers, so please don't be afraid to follow/reach out if you write kylo / ben & would like to chat!FACECLAIMS. i will not write with deceased fcs or celebrities that are highly problematic. i am happy to write alongside characters with these fcs if our threads are iconless, however.

SHIPPING. while i usually love shipping, it probably won't happen much on this blog. kylo is a very difficult character to ship and romantic affections are not something he deals well with. ships may occur in extremely plotted situations with close friends, but that will probably be it. however, i'm not anti kylo ships in general and am comfortable seeing kylo ships on the dash such as kylux and reylo etc so please don't worry if you do write / post about kylo ships! i just probably won't write them myself for the time being!GRAPHICS. the graphics on this blog were edited by me with a psd by @goodvipesrph. the blockquote template was made by @plutocommissions.ACTIVITY. this will be an extremely low activity blog and will be run mostly on a queue. i run three other blogs, @gracefallen, @stcrlght, & @renlios, along with working full time so i do not have the time to always be here. i tend to be fairly active on discord for chatting/plotting etc though, so please feel free to talk to me there if i've been absent here for some time! please also be patient with replies & memes responses.PERSONALS. i do not follow back personals and i ask that you do not reblog/like my posts if we are not mutuals. please reblog from the source where possible.

MEMES. please don't be afraid to send in memes! i absolutely adore them and find they're a great way to either kick off threads or flesh out the dynamics or history between two characters. they don't have an expiry date, so please send them in whenever you feel like it! i also love unprompted asks so please send in anything you like to! memes are able to be turned into threads, but please just message me first to double check before responding!ABOUT THE MUN. my name is zara, i'm 23 years of age, and i go by she/her pronouns. it's nice to meet you! please come chat to me about anything, whether that's ooc talk or to plot. i promise i don't bite!

FULL NAME: ben solo kylo ren.
NICKNAMES: ren, monster, kid.
TITLES: supreme leader, master of the knights of ren, jedi killer.
AGE: 29 (verse dependant).
GENDER: male.
PRONOUNS: he/him.
ORIENTATION: bisexual.
SPECIES: human.
FACECLAIM: hugh dancy (main) , charlie rowe (young).
SKILLS: force sensitivity, training from luke & snoke.
WEAPONS: saber.
DIRECT FAMILY: han solo (father), leia organa (mother), luke skywalker (uncle), padmé amidala (grandmother), anakin skywalker (grandfather)

the pull to the dark started long before your birth, but it only got worse the older you got. nightmares plagued your sleep, visions of the things you would someday do; the monster you would become, but you always hoped that you would fight your fate. that you would become the jedi your parents hoped you to first, you resented them for sending you off to train. all you wanted to be was a pilot, but they said that you had to learn how to manage your abilities and you wanted to make them proud. you tried making friends at the temple, but you struggled, never feeling like you fit in. nightmares still consumed you, taunting you always, but you were good at your lessons at least, so your tried your best to focus on those, and no matter what happened, you always had that voice in your head to comfort and guide you.your uncle liked to take you out on several of his missions, but it was his one to the kingdom of prevelia when you were only eighteen years old that stuck with you the most. there, you met a girl who would change everything for you: princess adelia redmond(*).she was your first love and your first kiss, but unfortunately your time with her couldn't last. you were sent back to the temple with luke the moment your feelings for her were discovered, and you never forgave him for that.

as you became more frustrated with the limitations that had been placed upon your life, the voice in your head became more and more tempting. he promised you so much: glory, a place in the universe where you could fit in. he was never disappointed in you like your family. he never let you down like them, either. and when the shining blue light appeared that night, just seconds away from killing you, you knew what you had to don't remember creating the storm, but you are certain that you must have. you tried to help the others, but it was too late. taking a ship, you fled, travelling to the only person who you felt that you had left. snoke. and from then on, you became his apprentice.under his guidance, you joined and then took over the knights. you became stronger and stronger, your power seeming almost limitless. you sometimes think of your old life, of your family, the people you let down, but you know that this was where you belong, so this is where you stay, complying with snoke's orders as best you can.

* adelia is written by ivy on @mythbloomed and her involvement in ben's life will be canon to all his star wars based verses. more information about her can be found on the connections page!


this follows the rough concept of the three sequel films, but allows for canon divergence/plots around the storyline featured.
set anytime between the destruction of the jedi temple and the events of the force awakens. follows ben's descent into kylo ren, his training with snoke, takeover of the knights, and his work with the first order.
POST TROS ( 001. )
ben survives the events of exegol and returns to the resistance base to pay for his crimes.
POST TROS ( 002. )
ben survives the events of exegol and hides himself away on a planet, cutting himself off from the dyad and from everyone he knows.
after the destruction of the temple, ben returns to the resistance base and sides with them in the war, all while still combatting his pull to the dark.

applications are always open! more information can be found here. a mixture of the 100 & star wars lore, where ben lands on earth after the destruction of the jedi temple.
ben flees the temple after its destruction, taking a ship and flying as far as possible from everything and everyone he's ever known. running out of fuel, he ends up landing on earth just after the delinquents ( around mid season one, however this is flexible ! ) creating a new name for himself, kylo ren, he tries to earn their trust & offers to help them; using his force abilities & his saber to help protect them in times of conflict. he ends up in mount weather & is one of the unfortunate delinquents to be drilled. he returns to their new, "main" camp afterwards. tbc.


ben is the prince of kraeshia, a large empire covered in rubies and everything red. he's reckless, careless and unwilling to rule; spending the majority of his time out having fun where he can, but after his mother dies from a slow acting poison, he takes to the throne as emperor. under snoke's infleunce, the peace of kraeshia is ended and they begin conquering hundreds of kingdoms, and ben soon detaches himself from his past self, now going by the title of emperor ren ( to match his new alias, kylo ren ), training & following snoke's advice closely throughout a brutal rule.
son of the mayor, leia organa, of district 5, ben ends up volunteering himself to save the 13 year old boy that is reaped in his district. he goes on to train for & win his game: building a fearsome reputation for himself through his training with snoke under a new identity for himself: kylo ren.
applications are always open, please join here! a lost au set in present time, where ben crashes onto the island with his co-worker & has to try to find a way to survive with everyone else. this verse includes his references to kylo ren in a past life.

subjected to to the same curse as the other skywalker men, ben turns into a werewolf at the first full moon after his sixteenth birthday & is destined to turn into a wolf at every full moon until the day he dies. he struggles with his new life as a werewolf; his heightened emotions making him shift too often. and after an incident where he kills an innocent woman, he takes off into the forest, never to be seen by his friends or family again. adopting a new identity for himself, kylo ren sets up a new home far away from any civilisation in the hope that he will never kill another innocent being again. powers: heightened senses, emotions, speed & strength. weaknesses: silver, more tbd.
ben enlists in the british army as the war begins and becomes a lance corporal, leading a small team within the trenches. can follow either a storyline within the war or set afterwards, where ben is trying to recover from the guilt & trauma of his experience. note: closed for shipping with silver mayberry ( @ maybcrry ) but other interactions are more than welcome!
after his outstanding research in the world of astrophysics, ben is invited to work at S.H.I.E.L.D. tbc.

different paths are available for his modern verses, but the general jist is that he ends up moving in with luke at a young age due to his parent's divorce, gets into the wrong crowd as a late teen and ends up roped into snoke's gang. in some verses, he goes on to study astrophysics at college while working for snoke on the side & in others he works for snoke fully. can also include a star wars influence, whereby ben keeps remembering snippets of his life as kylo ren both through dreams & miscellaneous memories that come to him, keeping note of all of the details he can remember in a leather bound journal.
ben is taken by O.R.I.O.N at 16 years old and injected with a serum to wipe his memories along with granting him super strength & abilities , as well as the ability to be mind controlled . he remembers nothing of his life before this world , but some snippets come back to him now and again ; most in haunting nightmares , but others in small "triggers" that remind him of his old life . he's kept within the facility , with snoke as his only "real" human contact . he's sent on missions regularly & is very brutal with this work.
despite wanting to be placed into ravenclaw, half-blood ben is sorted into the slytherin house. this assignment immediately feels him with dread; worried that he will end up becoming an "evil" wizard such as some of the house's alumni. he is a talented wizard & has a lot of strength within his magic, however he tries to hold himself back, worried about what he may become. he adores potions, astronomy & care of magical creatures, and dislikes defence against the dark arts & herbology.
wand: yew wood with a dragon heartstring core, 13″ and reasonably supple flexibility.
pet: black cat.
patronus: pine marten.


detailed below are some important relationships/dynamics which will be included within all my star wars portrayals of kylo/ben . these are characters that have helped shape him and influence the way in which i portray him , so are deemed canon to my timeline for him . this list will likely be added to over time as more dynamics are formed !

tivsi uwuba as written by val on @forceaken .ben’s closest friend at the temple , tivsi is the only person he believes truly understands his pull to the darkness . he trusts and confides in her about everything , and is left heartbroken when she ends up leaving him behind to seek out her family . while he hopes to find her again someday , he is also afraid of her seeing the person that he has become without her .

silver mayberry as written by ivy on @starlcved .a fellow jedi , silver becomes part mentor part therapist for ben during his years at the jedi temple , helping to provide him advice in his times of need along with a shoulder to cry on , and she ends up becoming one of the most important people in his life . after finding that she survived the destruction of the temple , he asks her to join him , but she refuses , making her the final person that he feels betrayed by . despite this , his bond with her is never truly broken , and he ends up risking everything he has worked for in order to save her from a group of attackers when he finds her again as the supreme leader .

princess adelia redmond as written by ivy on @mythbloomed .ben’s first kiss and first love , adelia is the princess of prevalia , a kingdom that luke took him to in his later years of training at the jedi temple . ben fell completely over heels for her and her kingdom and risked everything just to grant her one day outside of the palace walls . he dreamed of returning to her as a knight someday so that he could always watch over and protect her while she ruled as queen , but he believes her to have been killed in an assassination attempt and the news completely breaks him .


blogwide / starlcved.
blogwide / starlightfreed.
tivsi uwuba / forceaken.
rapunzel carter / shesdaylight.
lumiya baize / skoteilla.
luca madon / fulcrcm.
isabella silva / bowwed.
mariya orlov / widowfound.
armitage hux / acharnemcnt.
gwen stacy / spidergal.


clarke griffin / pyrrhicmessiah.
kaydel connix / conniidel.